Nov. 13, 2020



The benefits of cloud adoption are vast. But without a thorough look into its complexities, you risk getting exposed to issues around security, cost management, lack of expertise, governance and control, compliance, performance, and many others. Cloud Transformations will bring together Australia and New Zealand’s leading Chief Information, Technology and Infrastructure Architects over four individual, lunchtime webinars designed to arm you with the tools and information you need for the future of information infrastructure.

Join us and gain expert opinions, elevate your strategy and benchmark with your peers (free), as we cover:

  • Cloud design - Which providers offer the technical capability and capacity that your business requires? How can you control the hidden costs of cloud adoption?
  • Data - Day Two focuses on showcasing how you can boost your organisation’s agility and ability to innovate by adopting best-in-class cloud data management approaches from industry-leading experts in Australia & New Zealand.
  • Security & automation - During Day Three, we’ll explore how to secure your DevOps workflow and dive deep into how to implement automation as a security strategy for your business.
  • Migration strategy - Day Four focuses on discussing how to select the most appropriate vendors to work with, and how to successfully manage legacy systems challenges.

Register here:


Corinium Global Intelligence

View this event's webpage »

Date and Time

Fri, Nov. 13, 2020

noon - 1:30 p.m.

