Nov. 19, 2013


Tax advice for IT employees and contractors


Tax advice for IT employees and contractors, presented by an experienced tax accountant.  We've run this in past years and it's been both popular and useful.  Having this in November gives you at least 7 months to take advantage of the tax minimisation tips for the 2013/14 year, or seek more specific advice if needed.


Adam Brown (B Bus Tax Agent CPA), Senior Manager with Quest Accounting Services Pty Ltd


SAGE-AU NSW meets every third Tuesday night in Sydney, to bring together system administrators, ICT professionals, computer/network programmers/administrators and related people. Visitors welcome; bring friends or colleagues.


18:00 Pre-meeting drinks and food in Google's Corroboree Tech Talk room

18:30 Meeting commences promptly - don't be late! - Introductions and any general business - Presentation - Q & A and topical debate

20:00 Close - optionally adjourn to nearby pub for anyone keen to continue discussion.


RSVP and further details are available on Meetup:


Date and Time

Tue, Nov. 19, 2013

6 p.m. - 6 p.m.
