June 16, 2014


This month we are taking a road trip to Equinix SY3, for a talk on cloud strategy and a data centre tour.

For June, we're doing something a bit different, instead of our regular 3rd Tuesday of the month meeting.

John Woods (Senior Data Centre Strategist) is hosting us at Equinix SY3 for a short informative talk on data centre and cloud strategy, and that will be followed by a tour of the new and exciting SY3 facilities.

We are investigating options for food and drink following the tour, in case you're interested in joining us afterwards.

Note that you must provide your name and company/employer when you RSVP.  If you would like to park at Equinix, you must also provide your car rego in the field at the end of the RSVP form.  If driving, allow extra time for peak hour traffic.  If coming by train then hop off at Green Square and it's a short 15 minute walk.  There's a 305 bus stop across the road.

Hope you can join us!  RSVP here: http://www.meetup.com/SAGE-AU-NSW/events/187496132/

Date and Time

Mon, June 16, 2014

6 p.m. - 6 p.m.
