March 18, 2014


This month we meet to learn the who, what and why of Puppet infrastructure automation software.

Brett Gray is currently PuppetLabs' only Australian based employee; he's spent over a decade with the RAN, followed by stints at DFAT, the AFP and brews beer on the side as time permits.

Brett will be giving us a run down of Puppet, the awesome infrastructure automation software, and why you'd want to use it.  He'll cover how to program Puppet to live-manage your Linux/Unix and Windows systems, it's inbuilt reporting components, node classification via Hiera and PuppetDB.

We'll also have a demonstration and the traditional lively Q&A session afterwards.

Food and drinks are provided courtesy of Google Australia, our generous host for this meeting. Please be on time to assist the smooth running of this event.


Google Hangout Event:

YouTube stream:



18:00 Pre-meeting drinks and food in Google's Corroboree Tech Talk room

18:30 Meeting commences promptly - don't be late!
- Introductions and any general business
- Presentation
- Q & A and topical debate

20:00 (approx) Close - optionally adjourn to nearby pub for anyone keen to continue discussion.

Please RSVP and see further details on Meetup.

Date and Time

Tue, March 18, 2014

6 p.m. - 6 p.m.
