June 24, 2014


Join us at the monthly South Australian meeting for a lively discussion on the TechEd North America event.

Members and non-members are welcome to join this informal event held at SA Water.

RSVP via Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/SAGE-AU-SA/events/180970912/

TechEd North America has come and gone for 2014, and the vast majority of topics were extremely cloud focused.

While specific system administrators may or may not have to manage Microsoft-based servers and services, Microsoft's direction is a bell-whether for the industry.

So what does this mean for the IT Pro and more specifically the Sysadmin?

We'll touch on some of the main points that came out of TechEd North America 2014, look at how that impacts sysadmins, both currently and into the future, and hopefully have some good discussion over pizza.

Please note the new meeting location at SA Water:

  Level 12, 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide


Date and Time

Tue, June 24, 2014

5 p.m. - 5 p.m.
