Oct. 20, 2016


Building Better Containers with Habitat 

Chef's new open source Habitat project (https://habitat.sh) provides application automation that enables modern application teams to build, deploy, and run any application in any environment - from traditional data-centers to containerized microservices. Habitat is a system for describing, building and packaging applications as well as a process supervisor that manages their runtime configuration. Habitat answers the question "what's in the container?" and complements container orchestrators like Kubernetes, Mesos and Docker Swarm and cloud and virtualization platforms while providing a path for bringing new and legacy applications into modern environments. This session will provide an overview of the benefits of Habitat and how you can start automating your applications today. 

Bio: Matt Ray is the Manager and Solutions Architect for APAC for the open source systems automation platform and company Chef. He is active in several open source communities and worked in a wide variety of industries. He has been a contributor to the open source community for nearly two decades and has spoken at and helped organized many conferences. He currently resides in Sydney, Australia after recently relocating from Austin, Texas. He podcasts at SoftwareDefinedTalk.com, blogs atLeastResistance.net and is @mattray on Twitter, IRC, many Slacks, and GitHub.

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Date and Time

Thu, Oct. 20, 2016

6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
